Friday, April 30, 2010
This is not a quilt
because I'm not ready to admit that I've turned into my mom. No offense mom. But if you would like to check out some awesome quilts, head on over to my mom's blog. I made this blanket for Isaac because as you can see in the video he loves blankets but he also loves Curious George too, and I added a few different textures.I also made a new eating out bag for Isaac that's a bit more stylish and a little bit bigger. Also it shouldn't fall apart in the wash, but we will see about that one.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Already gone
One of my favorite memories is of my mom's ice cream sandwiches. Now that it's starting to get warm I thought I'd try making some and they were yummy. The secret is to use super cheap cookies, for some reason it just makes them taste better. I also used frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. I made them yesterday and they are already gone. I guess I'll need to get some more cookies when I'm at Wal-Mart for my third time this week.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Craft night
While my boys were sleeping I finally got to do some serious crafting. I'm usually to tired by the end of the day to do any other than watch TV. I made a few teething necklaces, got the idea here. So far Isaac loves playing with them. I also recently bought a shirt that shrank so I turned it into a child's dress by sewing up the neck a bit, hopefully I get some pictures of a child wearing it soon. I promise I won't put it on Isaac. I also made a stroller blanket for a friend. I forgot to take a picture of the hooded towels I made for Isaac. He loves running around after his bath with one on.