Wednesday, May 6, 2009

4 Month Doctor Appointment

A couple pictures of him sleeping yesterday.

Isaac is a big boy, but he is not overweight. He's proportional. He's rolling over, which isn't typical for babies his age. The doctor gave us the green light to start rice cereal and baby food since he eats soooo much.
Weight: 18 lbs; 92.44 percentile
Height: 27 1/4 inches; 97.66 percentile
Head: 16 3/4 inches; 53.65 percentile


  1. glad he is doing well! :) yay! and you were close in his weight guess! man girl how many strollers do you have?! which one is that?! is that the jogger?

  2. Isaac surely enjoyed any rides, either in the automotive car or in a manually pushed car (stroller). He looks so cute even while he is in sleep.


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