Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Buddy Walk

I know it's pretty late to set this up but I just started searching for walks and marathons. This will be my first one on October 10th. You can make a donation at or by the button below. Thank you for your support.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What's Up?

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Here's what we've been doing.
Isaac and I tried out a Kindermusik class that is close to home. It was fun, he really enjoyed the music and playing with the instruments.
Saturday we tried geocaching as a family and were unsuccessful. The last part of the hike was pretty steep and we didn't want to go try with Isaac. It was fun so we will be trying it again. There seems to be a lot of caches in Eagle Creek Park.
Lastly, we've been having some tough times this week at the Huang House. Isaac is on a hunger strike. He won't eat baby food, he's pretty much living off of Cheerios. If you have any ideas let me know. He won't eat anything from a spoon or if it's cut up. He will eat a banana if I give it to him whole but not if it is cut up. We've tried canned green beans and fruit too, but he's not into it.
I'm also having some issues of my own, I'll post them on here when I'm ready to share.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A great day for losing my mind

I woke up angry, that never makes for a good morning. Then was greeted by a poopy diaper that ended up getting on Isaac's foot and hand. Next was breakfast where Isaac wanted nothing to do with anything I was trying to feed him. Out of frustration I just gave him a piece of banana and he ate most of it. Then he fed himself some graham crackers. Afterwards he had a bath in the kitchen sink.
At times I feel like I'm already failing as parent and we have many years of parenting ahead of us. This is one of those times. Instead of being consistent with teaching him sign language, I accept Isaac's version of "finished" which is throwing the food to the dogs. Isaac's pulling up on everything now. He actually stood without holding on to anything for a couple of seconds. Getting on the floor and playing with him always changes my mood for the better.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Grumpy was kind enough to watch Isaac while we went on a 3 hour shrimping tour. We were so excited to get our bounty of shrimp that we were planning out all the ways were going to cook it. We caught many things but not that much shrimp. I forgot to mention there were 14 people on board that were expecting shrimp for dinner. Mom was awesome at popping their heads of with one hand. David was pretty good too. This was the entire lot of shrimp that was caught for the boat. So we had a trivia lotto and David won! We had shrimp scampi and peel and eat shrimp.
