Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy's Love Monster

After playing with Graham's play gym, I got one for Isaac and he loves it. I've added a lot of links and toys to it so he has more to grab at, touch, and make noise with.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Somebody's jealous

While we were out today Dorito attacked the exersaucer. It's unlike him to eat plastic unless he thinks there's food in it. He ate the flip book that attaches to the exersaucer and he chewed off two of the three clips that keep it closed when packing it away. He also chewed a lion toy in half. To replace the book and lion toy would be about $10 if we found the parts cheap on ebay. Considering we only payed $20 for the entire thing, it's not worth it to replace them.

3 month birthday!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Isaac loves his new/used exersaucer. He is able to turn himself all the way around by using his hands and feet to push the seat. Here he is just checking out the dogs.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ultimate Blog Party 2009
Join the party for free by clicking the button above. You can win prizes and check out other awesome blogs.
If this is your first time visiting, welcome! My name is Amy and I'm a new SAHM (stay at home mom) to an almost 3 month old. Right now he's in his car seat taking a nap on the dryer. Still figuring out how to care for myself, my son, my husband, and our animals.
My previous life was teaching special education and I absolutely loved it, but I love staying at home with Isaac more. I started this blog to keep my family updated on our adventures here in Indiana and have made some blog friends along the way.
Now on to prizes. I'd love to win any of the gift cards but I'll start with these $50 Target gift cards given away here:
19 http://agoosa.com/, 21 http://www.shoot-me-now.com/, 22 http://beginnerbaby.com/blog/?p=100
53, 60, 118, 123, 125, or anything else related to babies, young children, and mom since I have a 3 month old
Please leave a comment to let me know who stopped by. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend pictures

Out to dinner.
Big boy pajamas. I attempted to put him in a 6month footed pjs and his poor legs couldn't straight out. We're moving on to 9 month clothes.
Driving around the house with Daddy.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Flooring upgrade thanks to Pawpaw

Our half bath
Our laundry room

Isaac being entertained during construction

David laying tile in the laundry room

When Pawpaw comes to town he does upgrades to our floors (our bathrooms, the kitchen, the laundry room). Our floors are amazing and Pawpaw had a wonderful time playing with Isaac. Unfortunately the dog Pawpaw brought with him suffered a back injury and is not expected to make it. Isabella's last healthy day here she got to go for a walk in Eagle Creek Park and meet a hawk, vulture, and some plumpy squirrels. Please pray for healing for Pawpaw, Karen, and my sister, Courtney.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pictures from today

Outfit change after mommy figured out he needed to go up to size 3 diapers.
Blowing raspberries.

Sleeping while I take a shower and long after I get out.

Monday, March 16, 2009


You have no idea how good my day was with Isaac taking 2 full naps.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surprisingly similar, but not as Stinky

Another leaky poopy diaper this morning, but he didn't go back to sleep after he got cleaned up. Made bottles one handed this morning, proud of myself for that one. Went out to lunch with David and Karla. Came home with a hungry, screaming child and found sugar and recipes everywhere. Thankfully the vacuum and carpet cleaner have this effect on Isaac. I left that vacuum running just so I could post this, not sure how long he will rest.
Here are some pictures from earlier this week. Isaac was having fun grabing the camera strap.

Groundhog Day? I hope not.

Yesterday my day started at 4am with feeding Isaac and finding out his diaper leaked poop through his clothes. Yuck! I then went to a women's bible study in the morning which went well (and they had a warm breakfast!) but when I got home I quickly found that Dorito had attacked the Diaper Champ. There was poop and torn up diapers everywhere upstairs. I called one of my friends to please come and take care of Isaac so I could clean the shampoo the carpet. Thankfully she could come over for about an hour. On top of that I was able to have a hotdog minus a bun about 3pm for lunch. I wasn't able to accomplish getting a shower but I was able to do 3 loads of laundry, dishes, and washing a poopy dog.

So far my day has started the same as yesterday and it's only 6am. I'm praying that today doesn't not go the same as yesterday. Thankfully God gave me patience to make it through yesterday without any screaming and minimal crying.

Monday, March 9, 2009

You can't wear that

Yesterday was the UNC vs. Duke game but it was also Isaac's first day at church. So I put him in this cute outfit and when David saw it he told Isaac he couldn't leave the house looking like that (because light blue is UNC's colors).
Yesterday was also his first trip to Costco and Trader's Point Creamery. He did great at lunch (TPC) but wasn't that good at Costco. I think it was our shortest Costco trip ever.
Saturday was Isaac's first trip to Babies'R'Us and he went to a movie with us. I had extreme anxiety at the movie and was watching Isaac instead of the movie because I didn't want him to scream. David was great and took him out when he was going to. Coraline 3-D was an awesome movie.
He also slept from 8pm to 3am last night, that's 7 hours! I hope it continues.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fun at Graham's house

He tried out Graham's Exersaucer and didn't like it at first, but he figured out that his feet could touch and he could jump at little.