So far this year, which has only been a month, I have learned a lot on what needs to be done differently next year. I've also learned that every PSG has one difficult person. Things had been going smoothly until this difficult person became a part of it. I do not like conflict or drama so my anxiety has been through the roof the last few weeks. On top of that I have a huge fear of public speaking. I know what you're thinking, a teacher with a fear of public speaking? I'm very comfortable in front of a large group of children, but put me in front of other adults that I don't know and my face turns red and I start talking extremely fast.
Back to last nights meeting, the difficult person did not show up and we had a great turn out of moms that want to help. It turned out really well.
I've been putting in a lot of hours into this position and I'm hoping that once I get all these volunteers set up I can back off a little. So far this is a rewarding volunteer position but I also was looking forward to getting our house organized. Currently the exact opposite is happening at our house. Poor David didn't have an clean underwear for a couple of days.
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