At our hour long appointment Isaac spit up all over me, which left me smelling like rotten milk. The appointment itself went well and the doctor was impressed with how healthy he has stayed. Nurse Pam then gave Isaac 3 shots, which went as well as expected just a little crying.
Next we went the lab to get his blood drawn. This did not go well. After waiting an hour they attempted to do a draw and stuck him 3 times!!! I was crying when we left and they told me we could come back next week or go to the hospital. I opted for the hospital because I did not want that lady touching my son again. With it being an hour past his nap we headed home to rest and went to the hospital after lunch, which he didn't eat due to his new teeth. The hospital nurses were soooo much better with Isaac and me. They even let him keep the roll of dinosaur tape.
OMIGOSH! good thing it all ended well. poor guy. poor YOU.