I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met Shannon. She's my best friend here in Indiana and at times seems like my only friend. She comes over at the drop of a hat to help me deal with a child's bloody nose and a screaming baby. She's also the only person I know that will come over to help me vacuum, dust, and clean when I have company coming into town, or to just help me not stress out over the mess. She's made us countless meals and is always available to talk. We've gotten together with her family two Christmases now and it's starting to feel like tradition. Our boys had a wonderful time playing with the kids and toys. We had a fabulous time eating and having conversation. I was also able to surprise her with a Kitchenaid Mixer, which made her cry. Funny how a mixer can make a mom have tears of joy. Isaac got a superhero cape and mask, which was a big hit with all the kids. Isaac picked out some jewelry for Kylie, which she loved.
He put out the magic reindeer food that he made a school. Next year well work on spreading it out.
Here's an ornament he made at school too. He really doesn't like having his picture taken.
This year he loved telling Santa what he wanted. He told Santa he wanted a tractor. Then after seeing Santa he got a goody bag and when he opened it he was disappointed their wasn't a tractor inside. A lot happier than last year.