Isaac watches what I do and tries to do the same. I walked away from the dinner I was cooking to go into the living room to pick up Nolan and I walked back into the kitchen to this guy stirring dinner. I absolutely love that he put on an ovenmit before attempting to stir, but I don't like that he was touching a hot stove without mama there.

Here he was in the house playing half naked, because we are still working on potty training, and he decided he wanted to play in the yard. Well, the only shoes he can put on by himself are his rain boots.

Here's Isaac taking it upon himself to pick up trash in the yard. He won't go into the grass without shoes on so he put on the closest shoes to him.

And here he is making pizza.

In the past couple of weeks he has also taken it upon himself to put 'lotion' on his hands at nap time and take off his pants and diaper at nap time. The 'lotion' was his prescription steroid cream. When I walked into his room after seeing him put on 'lotion' on the monitor, he showed me his hands and was so proud of himself for putting the 'lotion' on all by himself. Both situations led to a big mess.
I've also spied Isaac trying to give Nolan a pacifier when he's started crying. He's also been rocking Nolan when he's in the car seat to try to get him to sleep. Such a great big brother.
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