I was thinking it was one of those days then I thought back to the week, and it's been one of those weeks. Monday Nolan had a few red bumps on his stomach and back and Isaac cried as I carried him onto the bus. I'm not sure what happened to those days when he would skip off to the bus by himself. Isaac now tells me every morning that he's sick and needs to stay home.
Tuesday Nolan has more red bumps so I take him to doctor and he is having a reaction to the MMR vaccine.
Wednesday semiannual ultrasound in the morning and David working late. Mulch delivered and I mulch the yard all day.
Thursday Dorito cleans the blender and the bottom breaks. I attempt to mulch and put on sunscreen today, and have an allergic reaction. Only a couple hours of mulch done and I have to get in the shower to wash off the sunscreen. Isaac and I then take a break to watch TV and eat cookies. Someone shows up for an interview which I thought we scheduled for next week. I was completely unprepared, hence the mouth stuffed with cookies while answering the door and the 3 year old watching TV eating cookies in his underwear. The whole sunscreen thing was a blessing in disguise because had that not happened I would have still been mulching the yard. David has a dinner meeting so I take the kids to Costco. Nolan drops my credit card/Costco membership somewhere in the store and I freak out when it's time for us to check out. Isaac talks me into buying him a digger so he can be a digger man. We talk about this being for him and Nolan and he has to share it. I'm either a genius or a fool.
It's now Friday and caffeine isn't working. I can't remember most of the week. Good thing I'm taking notes on the applicants for the nanny job.
I think I need to cross stitch this for my kitchen.

Oh, my! That is quite the week!