Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gummy Update 19 weeks 2 days

Gummy looks great! It's measuring 2 days ahead of schedule and weighing in at a whopping 11 ounces. The average weight for this age is 8 1/2 ounces. We did not find out the gender, so far the only person that knows is the ultrasound tech. Gummy's heart rate is 157. The doctor and ultrasound tech said that the baby is very very active! I feel it doing flips all the time and just in the past week have felt it punching me. I thought it was kicks but found out today that baby is head down and it's arms and hands were constantly moving. I thought Isaac was active, but that's nothing compared to this one. I've gained 4 pounds since my last visit and am having a lot of contractions, but that is to be expected with a second pregnancy. The doctor also said that I should expect to be more tired with this pregnancy since I am chasing a little boy all day.
How am I feeling? I don't have the appetite I did with Isaac so I'm hoping I don't gain as much weight either. I'm tired especially this week, with the time change Isaac's been up at 5am and 4am today. But I'm grateful he takes good naps. I still get nauseous, but it goes away fairly quickly especially if I drink lemonade. I don't think exercise is in my future since I tried to go walking a few weeks ago and had terrible cramping by the end of my 10 minute walk. Yeah, 10 minutes, kinda pathetic. My next ultrasound will be 3D with video at 30 week. Gummy waving with it's arm and hand.

1 comment:

  1. cool post. do you remember those 3d images that you would stick your nose to and pull away slowly to try to see the image? sonograms are like that for me. except i can never see what other people see. so i will imagine a waving gummy.


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