Tuesday, May 5, 2015

That Time I Tried Temporary Nipple Tattoos

As most of you know I had a double mastectomy in January of 2012 with reconstruction. As a result I have no nipples nor do I want them because I have been braless since then.

Well the other day I was rushing to get ready so I could take Isaac to school and attend Muffins with Mom with him before school started. So I threw on some clothes and off we went. While there I talked with the principal, other moms, and the current PSG co-presidents about transitioning into their role for next year. After all that I came home, took off my coat, and looked in the mirror. To my horror I see that I put on a white shirt forgetting that I had on temporary nipple tattoos that were a few shades too dark for me. I didn't notice anyone staring at my chest but then I was told by my mom they probably saw them and made a point not to look there again. I definitely won't be getting nipple tattoos.

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