Thursday, July 8, 2010

Holy MOLEy, cucumbers anyone?

Isaac's an early bird, usually up at 6 so we have a lot of time to explore in the morning. Well this morning Coach went exploring and brought this mole home. We all came downstairs to hear squeaking in Coach's room. I covered my ears and told David to save it. I just envisioned a horrible mess and our cowbird gone. Luckily Coach found a mole that was in our garden. He just played with it, no injuries. David released in the front yard, not sure if he did that in our front yard or our neighbors.
Next I watered the garden with a little help from Isaac. He attempted to bring the hose into the house. We've got at least 40 cucumbers, if you're in the Indy area and want some just let me know. We also have acorn squash, zucchini, sugar snap peas, an orange tree, and cherry tomatoes.


  1. I am very jealous of Mama Huang's garden. May we call you backyard 'Mama Huang Cucumber Farm'?

  2. i like the mole. did you have to kill it? do they make good pets?


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