So I met with the nurse practitioner today and she was able to answer all my questions and put me at ease. She said that I'm healing fine, I have full range of motion with my arms, but still can't lift thing that are high up or just plain heavy, such as a baby. Next week I can ease myself back into caring for Nolan. I have this weird sensation that definitely has to do with my muscles but it's not soreness exactly, she said it's probably spasms and may take a year to go away. Also my chest is very cold and gets very cold when I drink cold drinks, she said that should go away.
One of my concerns was that I can feel the implant on the right side, where there is still a muscle stitched back, which is supposed to dissolve. She said that it actually looks really good because there isn't any dimpling, but if it is a problem then the doctor will order physical therapy. So of course tonight I raise my hands above my head and see the dimpling. That's what the first picture is of, you can see it above the scab/glue. OOOOOHHHH, I almost forgot the bra lady came and fitted me for some new bras, which are fabulous and have aloe in them. They are sooooo comfortable. I am cleared to drive, but David's not cool with that yet since having a conversation with me is like play pictionary or catch phrase. Overall I feel like I'm healing better than expected, but I still feel like I need mid morning naps.
This is kind of unrelated but last night I slept through everything, the baby crying, David getting up, everything. First thing I heard this morning was the dogs barking, which meant Shannon was here and I needed to leave for my appointment. I think I was ready in 3 minute, but that was some good sleep.
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